Chris Cakes Pancake Mix Fundraiser
At Sunflower Fundraising Company we work directly with Chris Cakes to provide you an easy fundraiser!

We will create a custom label bag specific to your group! Each bag contains 2lbs of Chris Cakes pancake mix. Your group sets the price to charge the customer. We recommend your price point being between $8-$10. You will be charged $5 per bag from Sunflower Fundraising Co., and all remaining money is your profit from the fundraiser. The minimum order for a fundraiser is 40 bags. Additional fees include: tax and a delivery fee. Pickup from our warehouse is available to avoid delivery fee. Please provide a tax exemption form to avoid being charged tax. We accept cash, a check, Visa or MasterCard.
Let us know how you would like the front of your bag designed. E-mail your logo/image in a JPG format & the information you would like included in your design. A mock-up will be created & e-mailed to you in about 3 business days.
Take Orders
An Order form & a promotional flyer with your bag design/s & pricing will be provided via e-mail for you to print off as needed. Let your sellers & customers know why you’re raising money & the impact of reaching your goal will have for your group. When all of your orders are taken, call us! Let us know the quantities sold. Fundraiser minimum is 40 bags. Your order will be ready for delivery or pickup in about 10 business days. Payment for the order is due upon delivery/pickup.
Straight Order
Place an order with a set quantity. Fundraiser minimum is 40 bags. Your order will be ready for delivery or pickup in about 10 business days. Payment for the order is due upon delivery/pickup. We accept cash, a check, Visa or MasterCard.
Click to view rewards programs! Download the Rewards Flyer you would like to offer your sellers. Share the flyer with your sellers, have them set a personal goal to attain.
Earn Each Reward Along The Way!